Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Learn about the love of Jesus Christ
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.
– Jesus in Mark 12:30-31

The Property Committee has a list of projects to do. If you could come and help tackle some work, please call Jim Lore at 412-389-9527 or Mike Sullivan at 412-849-4238.
Adult Faith Formation
Adult faith formation meets Tuesdays at 6:30 pm with a study of Martin Luther, the Reformer who sparked a movement. We will read the book, Making Sense of Martin Luther by biblical scholar and pastor, Dr. David Lose, who explores Luther’s dynamic understanding of God’s life-changing gospel and how it informs day-to-day faith and life in the world today. For more information, please contact Pastor Kara. You can order the book online with your preferred bookseller. All adults welcome!!
We Love Serving Our Local Community
At Salem, we give thanks for God’s love in Jesus Christ for all people and all creation. We believe that God invites us into the joy of community in the name of Jesus, nurtures our faith, and calls us to love and serve our neighbor. If you are seeking a conversation about faith and life, or looking for a faith home, you are warmly invited to come and see!
What We Believe
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
- Jesus in Mark 12:30-31

Jesus Is Lord
God gathers us by Christ’s love and grace into a diverse community!

God Is Love
God nourishes us with faith and joy through holy word and holy meal!

The Spirit Empowers
God sends us to plant seeds of hope and healing in our world!
Kara Propst
Our Pastor
We are a church that believes in Jesus and loves God and people
I admit that often I find inspiration and comfort in the prayers of others. As a pastor, I have many prayer books and resources in my pastoral tool kit that I use often when visiting and communicating with and praying for people in need. I offer this month’s reflection on prayer, as a reminder to us that through prayer God nourishes, sustains, and strengthens us with faith, hope, and love to face our daily journey. In the gospel of Luke, our Lord Jesus teaches his disciples (that includes you and me) about the importance of prayer with the Lord’s Prayer (11:2-4) and also through parables about prayer not found anywhere else (11:5-8; 18:1-8, 9-14). Throughout the Scriptures, Jesus also modeled the power and importance of prayer. Many times, we read that he “went up to the mountain to pray” or “knelt down and prayed” or “continued all night in prayers.” I encourage you to explore the Scriptures to see how Jesus, through both word and action, encourages us to pray frequently.
Pastor Kara Propst
Our friendly and talented staff
Ronna Yeager, Choir Director Brenda Rosensteel, Parish Administrator
Office hours
Monday 11:00 aM — 1:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM — 4:00 PM